Our Emotions Are Imaginary

by Oct 18, 2024

Our emotions are imaginary!

I know you’re going to say, “No, no, my emotions are very much there. I feel them in my body! For hours, even days… months… years…”

I take your word for it, but I’ll tell you right away that this is not the biological reality.

Remember when you were a child? How long did it take you to go from anger to tears, from tears to laughter, and from laughter to hugs?

Our bodies are designed to transform the energies that flow through us—our emotions.

However, as we age, someone has interfered with this simple biological mechanism. That someone is always there, but they prevent you from using it: your mind.

The biological duration of an emotion is only 90 seconds. Yes, a maximum of 1 minute and a half to experience an unpleasant and uncomfortable bodily sensation. That’s what a negative emotion is.

Does it last longer than 90 seconds for you?

The culprit? Your mind.

How can we reactivate our natural emotional cleansing mechanism?


In the moment you are experiencing an emotional situation, close your eyes and locate the physical sensation. Where in your body is it located? What shape has this sensation taken? Become present to this sensation. Observe it. Allow the body’s natural intelligence to evolve this sensation. Notice the changes. Remain in this observer position for as long as necessary for this physical sensation to dissipate. You may find yourself yawning or crying. These are signs of bodily cleansing. Take a deep breath and check if air flows freely through your body. Once your body feels fluid, you are ready to delve even deeper into understanding the situation in a more cognitive way, which you will see in one of the upcoming posts.

Enjoy practicing your full potential! Neuroscience for Your Excellence.

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