You are inspiring

by Oct 18, 2024

Inspiration. This word has long drawn my admiration, like a masterpiece in a coveted museum, both desired and yet distant and inaccessible. For a while, my ego tried to claim it as a toy we pretend is ours, wanting to show it off to everyone without truly sharing it. Before I could finally understand that inspiration is a breath—essential for sustaining life and inseparable from each of us.

Don’t believe me? Read the article until the end.

Before we can say whether we too are inspiring, we need to better define this word, which in its brilliance prevents us from seeing what it truly carries within. Much like the sun, it attracts our eyes, but when we look directly at the sun, we struggle to discern a clear shape. It leaves us dazzled, without a clear image, but with a sense of having felt a source of life, of having seen the beauty of life.

What is inspiration?

Out of fear of being wrong, I consulted the dictionary.

The verb “inspire” is defined as giving rise to a feeling, but not just any feeling. Someone who knows how to inspire is someone who knows how to evoke enthusiasm.

Okay, but…

What exactly is enthusiasm?

Based on its Greek roots, “Theos,” meaning God, and “en,” meaning within, we can think of the feeling of enthusiasm as a divine manifestation within us.

Ressentir Dieu en nous ?

To complete this etymological definition, the dictionary tells us that enthusiasm is a great expression of joy.

Inspiration is that state of deep joy that often occurs in an unpredictable and unexpected manner.

It is an internal state in which we feel particularly alive. When we are inspired, we feel connected to our life force. We appreciate the simple act of existing. When we are inspired, we embrace life as it is, without judging any part as being bad. It is an unconditional acceptance of life’s events. We can say that…

Inspiration is a form of unconditional love for life.

When I contemplate a landscape and feel moved by its beauty deep within me, I appreciate the perfection of nature without judgment. I don’t tell myself that it’s wrong for some trees to die and that it’s good for others to grow. I believe that the beauty of nature encompasses cycles of emergence and disappearance, birth and death, shadow and light, which, through opposition and contrast, allow us to appreciate the strength of life.

Inspiration is a moment of connection to life that seeks to express itself through us.

It is the moment when we hear our inner voice. Inspiration is the moment when the artist finds the idea that will represent their inner world and deep aspirations. It is also the moment when we observe a work of art and, through the life force that animated the artist, we can connect to the same force that exists within us and remind ourselves of our own creative power. It’s as if the artist’s world resonates with us and awakens that same inspiration within.

Inspiration is that feeling of fullness or deep satisfaction

which arises when a person or event touches on something important to us. This person or event reminds us of what we naturally value. Thus, moments of inspiration highlight our values—those elements that guide our lives, whether consciously or unconsciously. In moments of inspiration, we become aware of who we are—of that life force that animates us and gives us the feeling of being alive.

Each moment of inspiration is precious because it allows us to decode the rules of our own lives. Our life is like a game— the more we learn to understand its rules, the more likely we are to develop a strategy and succeed while having fun.

We can say that inspiration is the moments of connection to life in its purest form.

What allows us to feel inspired?

Our receptivity to the hidden messages of life determines our ability to connect with that sensation of life force. It is our ability to perceive the “magic” of life that makes us an inspired person.

« There are only two ways to live your life: one is as if nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is a miracle. »


The miracles of life are available at every moment.

leur seul ennemi est notre raisonnement qui cherche à nous rassurer qu’il peut tout prédire, tout prévoir et tout contrôler.

An inspired person is someone who watches for moments when life will surprise them. They are ready to be surpassed by a higher intelligence without being frightened by a lack of control. They find the humility and courage to feel secure when nothing is certain. An inspired person finds a key element for their own advancement in each of their conversations. They hear the voice of life in the voice of every human being. An inspired person transforms every living being into an inspiring masterpiece of Nature, making everything and everyone a source of inspiration.

An inspired person knows how to see the perfection of life in all circumstances.

They do not seek to point out what is wrong in creation but instead take the time they are given to contemplate life in all its forms.

Being inspired is a default function within each of us. We all know it because before our minds develop around the age of 3, we all experienced this form of life without judgment, when we felt that we were an integral part of something much larger than ourselves, and there was no separation between us and the world.

It is our mind and ego that create this barrier between us, allowing us to experience life in an individual way and creating a sense of disconnection from the world and others. It’s as if, in a virtual space, we can privatize a part of that space to create our own website and showcase what seems most valuable in our world, all while hoping that other users of this virtual space will come to visit our site and purchase products. We can also imagine it as a piece of land we buy to build our home and decorate it to our taste, while remaining connected to public services to provide us with energy and help us dispose of our waste.

As long as I maintain the awareness that I am merely a tenant of this virtual space, this piece of land, or this human body, I keep the connection to the whole.

True inspiration comes from being able to feel both your individuality while also having a sense of belonging to something greater.

It is in the admiration of the perfection of the complexity that I perceive within myself that I can admire the perfection of creation and recognize that I am a part of it.

Inspiration is merely a matter of perspective. With inspired eyes, everything is inspiring.

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