Our emotions are imaginary! I know you’re going to say, “No, no, my emotions are very much there. I feel them in my body! For hours, even days… months… years…” I take your word for it, but I’ll tell...
Our Brain Doesn’t Know How to Be Happy
Our brain doesn’t know how to be happy! This is a biological reality. At the end of the day, what comes to your mind more easily—the successes of the day or the moments when you didn’t manage to...
How to Overcome a Fear
Fear of public speaking, fear of loneliness, fear of being judged by others, fear of commitment, fear of failure… we are capable of feeling fear even when everything is going well. Fear is one of...
The 5 Steps to Break Free from Emotional Contagion
Feelings, Headlines, Quality Relationships
When we meet someone, in just a few milliseconds, we automatically and unconsciously adopt the expressions of their emotional state (tone of voice, posture, facial expressions, etc.). This is a...
Conférences, coaching et formation pour explorer le potentiel illimité de votre cerveau
Les neurosciences pour l'excellence
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Conferences, coaching, and training to explore the unlimited potential of your brain.
Neuroscience for Excellence
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